The Deposition
Tulips, the short film, is a contemporary comedy about two women in their mid-forties that are battling perimenopause. Pamela becomes unglued when she discovers that gravity has affected her vagina, while her best friend Kimberly suffers unknowingly from a drop in estrogen, which causes emotional outrage and extreme hot flashes.
Pharmacopia is somewhat of a sardonic satire about how, in this day and age, there seems to be a pill to fix almost anything; but, what are the potential consequences? Usually the list is quite long. This short film stars Ilaria Ambrogi, Elizabeth Marie Anderson, Zach Coppola, Philip Schene, José Lucena, Tunde Laylae and Chenara Imrith. Written and directed by Carrie Drazek.
Securely within the grasp of a midlife crisis and disillusioned with the legal profession, a once proud attorney goes through the motions of yet another tedious deposition; but when irritation turns to disgust with his narcissistic client and the arrogance of his opposing counsel, a brawl erupts which forces him to come to terms with his job and his life. Stars Tom Parnell, Ricky Wayne, Kristin Wollett, Breann Couch and Jimmy Fitzpatrick. Written by Tom Parnell, Directed by Carrie Drazek.
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